Board Openings
Louisville, KY.....October 21, 2023. The ABA will hold our Annual Meeting on this date at Boogie In The Bluegrass. Location and time TBD. Along with all current business before the Organization, we will be accepting nominations for the office of Vice President and Treasurer for a two-year term. Coincidentally, Mike Edwards our current Treasurer is "retiring" from his position, we have temporarily appointed Mary Ann Pfeiffer as interim Treasurer. Mary Ann comes with a great background as serving as Treasurer over the years. Also, Paul Hennessey, our current Vice President, is stepping down having been the loyal Vice President of the ABA since its inception. Hats off to Paul and Mike for their service and dedication after all these years.
All nominations should be sent to Bud Waters, President for voting at the annual meeting. Currently we have Mike Hall, Derby City Bop in nomination for Vice President and Mary Ann Pfeiffer in nomination for Treasurer. Email any other interested people to