Who We Are
We are a non-profit corporation with two levels of membership.
1. Regular membership is open to any non-profit or not-for-profit incorporated dance club committed to sharing the goals and purposes of the ABA. This level of membership requires acceptance from the existing member clubs. Each club is represented on the ABA's Board of Directors. Currently, the association includes 33 Regular member clubs from 13 states.
2. Associate membership does not require formal incorporation as a non-profit or not-for-profit registered corporation. Any individual or group may join at this level which includes full communication and association with regular member clubs but does not include voting representation on the Board of Directors.
Periodically, the ABA elects individuals and couples who have demonstrated exceptional dancing skills and/or exceptional dedication to the dance community to the ABA Hall of Fame.
10 Great Reasons To Make Your Club an ABA Regular Member!
1. Strength and recognition of belonging to a truly professional, non-profit association, in which every Regular Member club has an equal voice and vote.
2. Free avenues for advertising Regular Member club hosted events in both the ABA Website and the ABA Newsletter.
3. Contacts and friendships with dancers and dance leaders throughout the country who share common goals and objectives for the love of dance.
4. Free quarterly ABA Newsletter filled with dance related articles, inter-club communications, event photos and problem solving information submitted by members.
5. Help and advise on handling dance club issues such as bylaw development, organizing multi-day events, dance lesson structure.
6. National prominence by hosting an ABA Convention.
7. ABA Hall of Fame recognition for your exceptional club members.
8. ASCAP, BMI, and SESAC music licensing coverage for your club\'s multi-day events at greatly reduced group pricing.
9. Participation in ABA Conventions, featuring excellent deejays, music, free or inexpensive workshops, inexpensive party tickets, and hours upon hours of open dancing.
10. Two annual conventions. One in Louisville at their annual event, Boogie In the Bluegrass and the other in St. Louis at their annual event Rollin On the River. The annual ABA meeting is held at the convention the year that the ABA Hall of Fame Induction takes place.